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Hello Old Friend

Well hello old friend! Wow, I can't even believe it, its been over 5 years since I've made a blog post. A LOT has changed in 5 years but one thing has stayed the same... I still do some type of food challenge for myself in January. I guess old habits die hard. I'm currently doing Whole30 for the 4th time so fair warning you might see a lot of that on here.

I have no idea what my intentions are for this post. I just know I've been thinking about you all quite a bit. When I started this blogging journey I started it to keep myself accountable by food blogging my food challenge journey.

I just got burned out. It's a lot of work keeping up with a blog. I had these dreams that my blog would blow up and start getting all these views. Well, that never happened. I'm not consistent enough for that to happen and honestly that wasn't a true reality.

Social media has changed so much as well. I used to not hold back on things I shared. Now before I even post anything I think about what others will think. The friend list has blown up and the judging of others has grown. I want to get back to my old way of thinking and not dwell about what others will think. Just be myself. I challenge you to do the same.

I'm in a weird stage of life right now, I'm currently jobless. Yup, after 13 years of working for a company that I loved, they decided to cut our department and contract out companies that do what we do. It honestly feels like a really bad break up. We had a heads up that it could happen but it didn't become reality until November. My last official day working was December 31st. So now I have a lot of time on my hands to really think about what I want to do with my life. Whatever that may be!

Kyle and I have been married for over 5 years now. Wow, that has flown by! We live in North Little Rock with 6 backyard chickens (we had 8 until 2 got taken by a fox but that's a different story!) We have 2 very adorable nieces who are at a really fun age and we cherish every moment we get to spend with them.

So here goes nothing, my first blog post in over 5 years.

My passion is still wellness. I enjoy introducing new foods to others as well as cooking. I enjoy the health coaching world of motivating others to make healthier choices. I enjoyed leading my team of coaches to passionately motivate others towards a healthy behavior. I hope my next job will allow me to do some of these things again. I truly feel the key to wellbeing for both mind and body is to not dwell in the past, not worry about our future, or wait for our troubles to surround us but to live in the now and be mindful of our present moment and celebrate. Thats what I intend to do.

There have been a few recipes on here who have had higher view volumes like this one:

Mexican Style Spaghetti Squash

And this one:

Vanilla Bean Almond Butter

And this one:

2011 Arkansas Cornbread Festival

So check them out if you want a blast from the past. Keep in mind I am not a photographer and was just documenting things as they happened.

Here's to a new year.

Remember to Keep it Fun and Healthy!
With love,


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